The Deep Citizens Claim Silent Lane from Ash Waste Nomads
In the dark underbelly of the Necromundan underhive, a brutal battle raged on between two fierce gangs – the Deep citizens, a shadowy Delaque faction, and the Digisite ϒ ]TIME[ Keepers, an infestation of Ash waste nomads who had encroached upon the territory of Chagatai Alpha. The stakes were high, and the toll was even higher.
From the shadows, the Delaque struck with precision and deadly force, establishing control over the Toll crossing where the fateful battle took place. Their mission was a success, with the Keepers suffering heavy casualties and ultimately losing their grip on the strategic position.
But at what cost? Why did the Deep citizens care so much about a single juve dragged off into the wastes? Did they not have enough resources at their disposal already? The true motive behind their daring raid remained shrouded in mystery.
Rumours began to circulate that the Keepers’ champion, the fearsome 3M1L R4554M35, had met his demise in the battle, but the identity of his killer remained unknown. The loss of such a formidable warrior was a crushing blow to the Keepers, and the Delaque’s victory was all the more bitter for it.
Adding fuel to the fire, a lone dome runner named Steve began to spread word of a disturbing rumour – that the Deep citizens had been seen trading hostages with the Keepers. Whether this was true or false, the mere suggestion of such a heinous act was enough to send shockwaves through the hive.
And yet, as quickly as the rumours had surfaced, Steve vanished without a trace, leaving behind only whispered speculations and a lingering sense of unease. The battle in the ash wastes may have ended, but its aftermath would be felt for a long time to come. In the harsh and unforgiving world of Necromunda, there was no telling what horrors lay just beyond the shadows.
Filed under: Ash waste Nomads,Delaque,Gossip - @ mei 7, 2023 11:55 am